Types of Aneurysms

While technology has improved the ease of diagnosis of AAA, an “old-fashioned” history and physical examination are critical in the assessment and diagnosis of this problem. Abdominal aortic aneurysms do tend to “run in families”–hence, genetics are important. Interestingly, when there is a female in the family that has had an AAA, this tends to be more familial than a male relative. Patients with chronic lung disease (COPD) seem to be at higher risk for rupture of an AAA than others and those with a history of smoking also seem to be at risk. Hypertension (high blood pressure) is another independent risk factor for aneurysms. A careful examination of the abdomen can identify an AAA in thinner patients. Unfortunately, in patients who have a more rotund abdomen, the physical examination is less reliable as the aneurysm may be impossible to feel—even by the trained physician. Many AAAs are found incidentally when tests are performed for other reasons. It is not uncommon for patients to have an x-ray for back pain or a CT Scan for an unrelated reason (for example, looking for prostate disease or trying to determine the cause of abdominal pain) and the radiologist will find an AAA. It is very uncommon for an aneurysm itself to cause pain (unless it has ruptured) and thus the surprise when it is found during a test looking for something else.
Treatment of Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms Overview
The most critical part of the treatment of AAA is deciding when (and if) surgery is needed. This is a complex decision as the repair of an AAA is a significant undertaking. The overall medical condition of the patient must be considered with particular attention paid to health of the individual’s heart and their ability to undergo anesthesia.
Historically, aneurysm repair has required a major operation to replace the weakened part of the abdominal aorta. An incision in the abdomen allows the surgeon to access the aortic and sew in a cloth tube extending from healthy aorta above the aneurysm to normal arteries below. This typically requires a 4-7 day hospital stay with a significant recuperation period thereafter. Once repaired, the chance for recurrence of the AAA, is extremely small.
More recently (since the 1990s), stent graft technology has dramatically changed the management of AAAs. Rather than a major operation with a long incision, the use of aortic stent grafts can be done with two small groin incisions or with only a puncture with a needle! Rather than a 4-7 day hospital stay, patients can now be treated with a one-day hospital stay—some even returning home on the same day of the AAA repair! The post-operative recuperation is much easier and the pain significantly minimized. Through each groin, the stent graft is passed through the arteries to a point just above the AAA and deployed. The majority of the abdominal aortic aneurysms repaired at The Cardiovascular Care Group are performed using this technology.
Patients whose AAA is repaired with a stent graft do require careful office follow-up for the remainder of their life. Routine ultrasound examinations are necessary to insure that the stent graft is functioning well and no problems develop.
Once again, experience and judgment are crucial to the management of AAA. Five decades of experience combined with cutting edge technology make The Cardiovascular Care Group unique in its ability to manage patients with Abdominal Aortic Aneurysms!